”A Day in Frame” - Paris- Contact Sheets

Today's post in "Day in Frame" steps a bit outside the usual format. This entry is a meeting of two different days, united by one of my favorite places – Paris. The photographs you see here were taken in the intervals between my workshops, and some even during them. They bring together one day in February and one day in March 2024, but these days merge into one thanks to the constant inspiration I draw from this city.

Paris is more than just a city to me. It’s the birthplace of photography. Every step through its streets is an opportunity to immerse myself in the beloved works of artists who lived and created here.

In my case, from the gray skies of February to the first spring rays of March – each photograph shapes my vision and reflects how I feel about this place, creating its own unique story.

I shot with my Leica MP240 camera and Summicron 40mm lens, with color grading done using Dehancer.



”A Day in Frame” - Brighton- Contact Sheets- 04/09/24


”A Day in Frame” - Eastbourne- Contact Sheets- 20/08/24